Latest Episodes
Jesus Helps Us Believe
As we have prepared for Easter, we have been asking: What’s So Great About Easter? What Do I Need To Be Saved From? Why...
Why Do I Need A King?
Palm Sunday marks the beginning of Holy Week. As Jesus rode through town on a donkey, He was recognized as one who had come...
What Do Christians Hope For After They Die?
With Easter approaching, we are taking time to discuss some questions that might come up in spiritual conversations with our neighbors. What we hope...
Why Did Jesus Have To Die?
The story of Easter is a story of God rescuing us. As we consider another Easter conversation we might have with our neighbors, we...
Why Is There So Much Pain/Hurt In the World?
Continuing in the topic of neighborly conversations, this week we are looking at an especially significant question: “Why is there so much pain/hurt in...
What Do I Need To Be Saved From?
In our second week considering, “What’s So Great About Easter?” Pastor JD guides us to examine what Jesus shows us about the significance of...