Latest Episodes
Jesus Defeated Evil
One of the ways Jesus made wrongs things right on the cross was by defeating evil. Jesus frees us from the fear of death...
Jesus Showed Us How to Live
What difference does the life Jesus lived make in our lives? This week, Pastor JD continues our Lenten sermon series, “Making Wrong Things Right.”
Jesus Gave His Life for Ours
What does it mean when we say Jesus died on the cross for our sins? Pastor Stephanie Williams O’Brien explores this question and more...
Jesus Reconciled Us to God
What does Jesus accomplish on the cross? This week, guest speaker Leland Eliason shares about how “Jesus Reconciled Us to God.”
Making Wrong Things Right
There are many different ways the Bible talks about what Jesus accomplished through His death on the cross and through His resurrection from the...
In the Name of Jesus
This week, Pastor JD looks at why we pray in Jesus name. The authority we have against evil is because of the authority we...